Sunday, March 9, 2008


Welcome all,
My name is Michael Kaplan and I'm former student at SUNY Geneseo. I'm currently studying Radiographic Technologies over at Monroe Community College and getting ready to get on the train out of dodge and head on to aquire my MD.

Yet, it appears the computer geek within me is long from dead and is in fact acquiring some nasty fangs. After having heard about it on the blogosphere for about a year now, I thought it was my turn to start hacking on the Wii. So with no previous experience other than my own personal knowledge of C#, .Net, Java, you usual web based 3 and 4 letter acronym languages and markups I'm going to attempt a string of technical demonstrations that all hopefully lead up to a project with surprising real world applications.

Right out of the basket we've got a great pair of technologies handed to us courtesy of Johnny Chung Lee.
Another huge shout out goes to Brian Peek and his Managed Libraries for Nintendo's Wiimote
He has written one of the most popular jump off points for all these zany creations.

I'm going to investigate right out of the box the head tracking and the finger tracking projects. I can see some incredible applications of those technologies, and I'm not the only one whose spotted them. Seems I'm jumping into this game about a year late. Still, doesn't mean I can't either do it better or with more injinuity.

I'm hoping to break out Microsofts latest breed of tricks "Silverlight" and leverage that to make development pretty and easy. *tries not to laugh* I'm also hoping I can make this run via webservices, I would really like to see this utilized over the internet via web services. I just keep finding a fresh idea around every corner I look.

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